Rainbow Six Siege was launched last week on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. I've been participating in the beta tests with my friends on Xbox One. The game is great because it allows players to collaborate with each other to complete missions. You have no choice but to work as a team to complete your objectives. Teamwork is key to being successful. Without teamwork, you basically screwed your team and yourself.
While the gameplay is excellent and definitely is an awesome way of working together as a team, there are some kinks that need to be worked out such as the following issues:
- Random disconnects due to server issues: This has been a very painful experience for gamers during beta testing an even post launch, the issue still remains. If this issue can be worked out, this would make the game that much more fun.
- Players getting stuck when prone on stairs or rappeling to rooftops: When you are trying to come out of prone, your player can get stuck and you will not be able to to move.
Overall, this has been a fun experience and I look forward to seeing what else they'll add for DLC.
I give it an 8/10 (due to some of the stability issues with the servers).
Below is my video from the game: