Learn web development and save money!

Happy New Year everyone and hope you enjoyed the holidays!

As part of my new years resolution for 2014, I wanted to brush up my skills again for web development. It was a perfect time because recently, I signed up for an online course for web development after hearing about it on Cult of Mac's article "Learn HTML, CSS and More With The Become A Web Developer Course". The course usually costs $199. I was able to sign up for the course for $39 this past week. The course comes in the form of videos which you will have to watch and follow along. I have bad habit of losing focus and attention when reading a book. So watching a video and learning how to do something like coding a web page is a perfect solution for me because it'll allow me to focus on an activity. It'll also be hands on as well since the videos allow you to follow along the instructor's examples. Definitely worth taking the course to get into the realm of web development. I'm doing this to refresh my skills and learn more about CSS and HTML. 

Until next time folks, have a great week and stay warm!


GTA Online Capture Update Live Now

Rockstar released another update for GTA Online with GTA Online Capture.  This latest update will allow players to play in 4 separate modes: GTA, Raid, Hold and Contend. Each mode has different objectives where each team must complete.  Below is a description of what each mode will allow you to do from Rockstar's website:

In Raid, you'll have to fight your way into your opponents' base and steal a package, then deliver it back to your base to score points. Reach the target score, or deliver more packages than your opponents do in the allotted time to win the match. 

When playing Hold, teams must collect and store as many packages as possible in their base. Packages can either be found on the map, or stolen from the opposing team’s bases. Reach the target score, or hold the most packages when the time runs out, to win.

As the ubiquitous acronym might suggest, GTA mode tasks players with stealing target vehicles located all around the map, before bringing them back to their respective bases. Each team must fight to steal more vehicles in the allotted time than their opponents.

In Contend, there's only one package, situated in the middle of the map. Teams must fight to bring this package back to their respective bases, and once the package is captured it respawns in the middle of the map and is up for grabs again.


GTA Online Content Creator Update and Doctor Who Christmas Special

  • GTA Online Update: Rockstar released another GTA Online Update featuring Deathmatch and Race Creator Beta. This will allow players to create their own deathmatches and races. Coming up in 2014, the long awaited Heists downloadable content will also be available as well.
  • Doctor Who 50th Anniversary and Christmas Special "Time Of The Doctor" Trailer:  Doctor who celebrated its 50th anniversary on November 23, 2013 with a simulcasted event airing the episode over several countries. Prior to the airing of the show, a mini episode was made available on the internet featuring Paul Mcgann as the 8th Doctor in the Night Of The Doctor video on Youtube from BBC. On December 25, 2013, Christmas Day will mark the return of Doctor Who with Matt Smith making his final appearance as the 11th Doctor and we'll see Peter Capaldi get introduced as the 12th Doctor. Only a few weeks away looking forward to it. The trailer is also available now for the "Time Of The Doctor" on BBC's website.