Stepfamily Foundation website finally goes live !

After researching and testing over the last year, the Stepfamily Foundation  received a new website which allows mobile users to access the site on their mobile phones. Part of the research plan included finding a platform that was easy to use and update and publish the content on social media. Additionally, the traffic on the site showed about 30% of users were accessing the site via iPhones and Android phones. This was a crucial factor in revamping the website recently. Additionally, the site that the organization was using for the past 5 years since 2009 was written in HTML which required updates using a third party HTML editor.  It was a transitional site until a suitable platform was found that will allow flexibility and ability to add more content and features down the line.

After trying out several website platforms, the two contenders were Squarespace and Weebly.  This was a tough call as both platforms were ideal and easy to use for updating and maintenance. But eventually everything came down to budget and the ease of use for the organization. Squarespace Professional Package costs $16.00 per month if billed annually ($192 per year) vs. Weebly Pro package which costs $8.00 per month  ($96 per year) . 

The changes to the new site includes the following:

  • Removed the old flash animated image that was on the old website.
  • Added the new Stepfamily Foundation blue logo to the site so the logo represents the brand. This was based on the organizations original logo with the steps and the 3 stick figures.
  • Website now includes a mobile friendly feature for mobile phone users.
  • Added a blog section to allow updates and posting of podcasts, events and articles. Previously on the old site, this would appear on front page. Previously, this was just too much information on the front page which resulted in high bounce rates.
  • Removed all event information from front page and moved it to a new blog section.
  • Moved all articles into the blog section and tagged by categories for archiving purposes.
  • Podcasts moved to blog section and tagged.
  • Reinforced the organizations services by making the counseling and certification seminar services appear on front page with a brief summary and a "Learn More" button to allow visitors to visit the pages for more information
  • Added links to social media buttons on the top right of the page.
  • Included a search feature to allow visitors to search for information using the site's built in search engine.
  • Wrote 301 redirects for old pages from the previous site to redirect to their new URL's on the new site.

Below is a screenshot of the new site:

The Stepfamily Foundation's new website as of April 13, 2014

The Stepfamily Foundation's new website as of April 13, 2014

Microcenter saves my day with a better and new PC build

Years ago, I wished there was a Microcenter in Brooklyn, NY or Queens, NY at least. This wish finally came true as of recently when both locations were open in March 2014. In the past I use to shop at CompUSA to pick up my computer parts from the early 2000's until they closed down. For a decade I didn't step foot into a computer store again because there were none near my area. Bestbuy came close but didn't offer many choices. With Microcenter finally being in my area, I am able to go back to the store again, take a look at the PC parts in person and ask questions to the sales reps. The sales reps are great and want to help you find the best product for any budget you specify. The added bonus is I don't have to wait several days for my items to arrive and if something is defective, I can return to the store same day just like I use to do with CompUSA.

Now as far as my new build goes, below are my parts:

Overall, the build cost me about $1300. It was worth the investment because I am planning on having this system around for the next decade with only a few upgrades here and there in between. The last build I had lasted 7 years. I use my computer for web design, content updates, podcasting, video editing, and during my down time, I use it for gaming. This build will allow me to do all that and I also want a system to last me more than 5 years this time around. Definitely hoping that it goes beyond that point like the build I put together for my wife a few years ago.

Below are the pictures of the new case and after the build was put together:

Video Below:

Winds & Walls - Alternative Rock Band from Queens, NY

This past Sunday, I had the opportunity of attending a performance by local rock band from Queens, New York, Winds & Walls. The band's website is currently under construction. I'm currently working with Omar Feliciano, the band's rhythm guitarist to get the site up and running at I grew up going to high school with the band's rhythm guitarist, Omar Feliciano. We use to learn guitar together and eventually, he ended up going full speed with his music aspirations while working as a research assistant during the day at a local college.

Overall, the band's music reminds many of us who grew up in the 2000's of the alternative, punk rock style type of sound. The music video of their latest single, Hindsight is amazing. Professionally done and definitely great vocals from lead singer Rosie Posadas.

Below is their video "Hindsight" from Youtube.