Excited about NYC Comic Con

October is my favorite month this year because it is Comic Con season. Just learned from the NYC Comic Con site that Sylvester Stallone , aka Rocky Balboa will be making an appearance. Awesome!!!   

Also looking forward to meeting Jason David Frank, also better known as the Green Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers at the NYC Comic Con since he will be making his appearance there as well and signing autographs.  

With about 95 % of tickets sold out for Sunday, October 13, 2013, now is the time to grab your tickets while you still can at the New York Comic Con website. Ticket prices for the New York Comic Con are as follows for the Single Day tickets:

  • $30 - Thursday
  • $40 -  Friday
  • $40 - Sunday

Wish you all the best and hope to meet you guys at the New York Comic Con!


My Blog Talk Radio channel

Hello everyone, 

Been awhile since I last posted. Working on my radio show on Blog Talk Radio and some projects. Also looking forward to going to the New York City Comic Con this year.
Unfortunately, the 3 and 4 day passes are sold out. Only single day tickets are available still for sale and Saturday tickets are sold out which leaves only Thursday, Friday and Sunday tickets available.

Below is my latest podcast: 

Below is also a link to my Blog Talk Radio channel: 

TLG Radio 

BlogTalkRadio - Easy podcast solution

After looking over the Internet for Podcast solutions for a client of mine who is in her 70's, one solution I recommend her using is BlogTalkRadio as this does not require her to save an audio file and upload it manually to another location. Instead, BlogTalkRadio  provides its users with the option of calling into a number, enter a pin and then once the show is "Live", you are then able to do your own online radio show. Once the show is wrapped up, you can turn this broadcast into a podcast. Simple solution without all the craziness.

More information on how to create a podcast using BlogTalkRadio can be found on their blog at Host Tip of The Week: Extend the Reach Of Your Online Radio Show With iTunes.

You can sign up for a free trial with BlogTalkRadio by clicking on the image below: