Mighty Morphin Power Rangers turns 20 this week

This week, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers turns 20 after reading this article from Time Magazine. This was also a mentioned on Jason David Frank's Official Fan Page . Jason David Frank played Tommy Oliver who was the Green Ranger on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He is also currently in talks about a Green Ranger solo movie in an interview with IGN .

I think this will be a fantastic idea to see a Green Ranger movie. The Green Ranger can indeed have a success as being his own brand. Speaking of Green Ranger....I just received my Green Ranger shirt in the mail today after placing the order through Jason David Frank's Official Fan Page on Facebook. I'll be wearing this shirt to New York Comic Con in October. Until next time...below is a picture of my shirt  that arrived in the mail today.

Green Ranger Shirt.jpg

Microsoft Xbox Live changes are coming

Looks like it is the end for those of us who subscribe to Microsoft Xbox Live's Family Pack where it allows you and your family members to have Xbox live accounts for a total of $99.99 per year. Great money saver but Microsoft is doing away with it so it can implement changes on Xbox live to make room for the Xbox One. So what does this mean for those of us that have accounts on this plan? No worries, Microsoft will compensate us with 3 additional months to each account.

Additional changes include the Microsoft  Xbox live points system being phased out and will be replaced with local currency. So instead of purchasing downloadable content with Microsoft points, you will use actual currency. Got existing Microsoft points on your account? No worries, because these points will be converted to your local currency. More information can be found on the Microsoft Account Transition to Local Currency page.

Facebook Marketing seminar

Just wrapped up my conference call with Facebook Client Manager, Brian Farnsworth. Appreciate the late day presentation as he was providing the presentation for me and my boss at the Stepfamily Foundation, Dr. Jeannette Lofas. He gave us a crash course on Facebook Ad marketing and was working on a plan to assist us with promoting the Stepfamily Foundation Facebook Page .

We're working on creating a budget to promote the services offered by the Stepfamily Foundation. This will help generate some traffic to both the Facebook site and also the Stepfamily Foundation website. I also had to create a privacy policy page as well to comply with Facebook's recommendations when we are integrating social media with the website. You can also get a free privacy policy template as well.